How You Know You Have The Best Sister In The Entire World

posted on: Saturday, May 7, 2011


loves your kids like they're her own

arranges her work schedule so she can get up at 5:30am once a week and watch them all day

makes and then remakes all the cupcakes for your son's birthday party after you drop the first tray

has painted more of your house than your husband has

feeds your pets and babysits your kid when you go on vacation - when she's not traveling with you that is (luckily she usually is)

watches christmas movies with you in September when everyone else thinks you're crazy

is always just a phone call away when you're bored and feel like getting mexican food and ice cream

feeds, dresses, plays with and tucks in your oldest son for 4 days while you're in the hospital

uses a weeks vacation to move in and help you out when you get home from the hospital with son #2

cleans your house and bakes you treats to welcome you home 

is the kindest, most humble, giving and selfless person you know

Happy Birthday Abby
Love, The Luckiest Sister In The Entire World


  1. oh man... make your momma cry. yep, these are MY girls!!!!!!!!! Luvyoubothsoooooooooomuch!


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