Labor Day Weekend

posted on: Tuesday, September 6, 2011

So, I've been thinking about it and instead of a mommy/baby blog my blog is really becoming more of a food blog. Not your typical food blog though - like, it's not one where I make the food and write about it, it's more just one where I eat food made by other people and take pictures of it. I think it works.

This past weekend I did a lot of eating. What's new though, right? Lockview with Josh Friday night, delicious (as usual) followed by a screening of this...

It was funny and touching and just altogether great. And I may have a cried just a little when Phife talked about his kidney transplant surgery and his wife who gave him the kidney. (Ok, I might have cried a lot.)

Saturday, we had breakfast at our new favorite restaurant. They were out of the quiche (sad) but their sticky buns were out of this world (like a piece of baklava the size of a brick and at least 3847875 calories). Then, Abby and I spent Sunday in the most ridiculous way possible - driving around the greater Akron area looking for something "different" to eat, which is not easy to find on the Sunday of a holiday weekend, where most everything except the chain restaurants are closed. In the end we ended up at a taco truck in Ellet and ate our tacos in the car in a CVS parking lot. However, those tacos were the bomb and super cheap too. Totally, worth the 2+ hours of driving time it took to find somewhere to eat and facing the sketchy Che Guevara look-a-like loitering out front.  

We will be back. Oh, yes, we will most definitely be back.  

THEN, Sunday night was spent with my girlfriends Bonnie and Beth (or as my brother calls them, Beth and Bonnie Works...or Beth, Bon and Beyond...oh, how I digress) at Cilantro for a belated birthday dinner and a night of sushi and catching up. Then we hit up Mary Coyle afterwards because that's just how we do.

Akron has really, really good food you guys.

Other than that, just a low key weekend at home listening to Oren squawk and screech like a baby pterodactyl while Josh and his dad took Wes up to Cleveland for the airshow. Insert cute picture below:

Also, my boy has learned how to not only take pictures (and instagram them) on my iphone. He
also now takes videos, his directorial debut below -

Hopefully, video of the baby making his pterodactyl noises coming soon.


  1. OMG! Wes is a better videographer than Josh! And a hard-hitting interviewer, to boot. Not satisfied by a paltry soundbite, he persists, Carl Monday style.

    My man.

    Also, Adam and I laughed really hard at Ben's Beth and Bonnie jokes. THAT GUY!


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