Hey You, 2012. I Think I Like You Already.

posted on: Wednesday, January 4, 2012

So, it's only the 4th and I gotta say, this year is already knocking it out of the park for me.

First of all, you all know my sister's boyfriend, Jeff Gill (he's made many appearances around here. I've written about him here and here). Well, Jeff is one of the greatest dudes I know. He's also the type of person who avoids all technology/social media for the most part. No facebook account, probably doesn't even know what twitter is, blah blah blah - but this is one of the things I love about him most. No alter online persona. He's just a totally real, down to earth, you get what you see kind of guy. He's a good one, that Jeff Gill. Also, I should mention, I like to correspond with him via text messages on the reg (the most advanced form of technology he used to date), come up with silly nicknames for him, and tease him about having cute babies with my sister. It's kind of a one sided love affair we have going. I think he's great and super adorable and he tolerates me. It works.

So anyway, the other day I'm in our little work office restroom on pumping session #2 checking my instagram feed on my iphone and in my news I see that Jgilla has started following me on instagram! What?! Jgilla! It was Jeff! He had gotten an iphone, an instagram account and used one of my nicknames for him (after the late J Dilla, duh) as his handle. It was too good to be true!

I texted abby immediately

Hold the phone! Jeff Gill got an instagram and is using the nickname I gave him?! And is following me?! Day made.

Then she texted me back and said it's his words with friends handle too. What?! Jeff has a words with friends account too? Whoa 2012. This is almost too much for me to handle.

Talk about changes. amazing.

I then proceeded to text Jeff, like I do, and tell him how overjoyed I was by this development.

He texted me back saying he wasn't ready for it and was going to delete it.

Oh Jeff. He only has two followers, me and abby. You should follow him too (jgilla), show him a little instagram love and maybe he'll stick around.

Speaking of instagram and reasons I'm loving 2012...are you all participating in the January photo a day challenge? It's super fun. @ me if you're posting so I can see your submissions!

Here are mine for days 1-3 so far.

something I adore

(Ok, so the Crispix was a little weak, but what can you do?)

...and finally, the best, most exciting change from 2012 so far....Josh got a new job!

He will be the new animation/film director of the creative department at Innis Maggiore. It's an amazing opportunity and sure to bring many changes to our little family over this next year. He has worked so hard to get to a position like this and I am so, so proud of all that he has accomplished.

all that and it's only the 4th of January. Pretty good 2012, pretty darn good.

*Post edit...

and hello, two of my favorite people got engaged on new years day! How could I forget? Love you, 2012!
Congrats again Colin and Elizabeth!

**Post edit...

if I'm going to ask you to @ me on instagram I should probably give you my handle...ecureton. Thanks!


  1. Oh my goodness, why have I not yet seen this adorable picture of your three men??? It is so AWESOME! The only thing that could make it better is if Jeff Gill himself was in the picture! I love that guy too! Come on 2012!!! Bring it!


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