My favorite things about the holiday season are
the first time it snows
Wrapping presents with really fancy bows, even though this tradition consumes ridiculous amounts of ribbon every year, I just can't help myself
Pecan tarts. If you've never had one, you have not lived.
Josh having an imaginary phone conversation with Santa to trick Wes into being good
ALL Christmas movies (my all time favorites are "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and "A Muppet Family Christmas"). Holiday viewing can acceptably begin as early as September.
Presents, duh!
Wes screaming in delight every single time he sees Christmas lights on someone's house at night
Valiantly getting all bundled up and marching around the fields of the tree farm for what seems like hours scrutinizing every single tree in search of the very best to cut down and make our very own, only to (as expected) end up selecting one from the pile of pre-cut trees
Making paper snowflakes to decorate my house with (even though I am shown up annually by my creative and talented paper-snowflake-making family and friends)
Hot chocolate in a bowl (my dad's uber rich version of hot chocolate. And I don't even really like chocolate)
When the first radio station starts playing christmas songs 24/7
Watching Wes and Josh play in the snow together while I spectate from inside warmly and safe from erroneous snowballs
Real fires in our wood burning fireplace (they smell amazing!) and fighting Georgia (a certain pug/beagle mix who does not smell amazing) for the warmest spot right in front
having four stockings hung this year
my big extended family and my little one at home
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