Year in Review

posted on: Tuesday, December 28, 2010

In the year 2010
Our house went from looking like this

to this

and we finally filled our big empty room with furniture. It's no longer called the "pumpkin carving room" (or other applicable seasonal holiday activity) it can now be formally referred to as the much more grown up sounding "family room"

Not shown: the new end table Santa left me or all of Weston's toys which I hid

Wes had a lot of very important firsts

First elephant ride, hello!

first time for me too

First kayaking trip

First time seeing the ocean

First Easter egg hunt

and of course his first visit to the Castro

What? I thought he might like it, he is quite the snappy dresser (note the pink shirt above)

I had some good times myself this last year...

There was that brief moment post pregnancy and pre-pregnancy where my abs and I were blissfully reunited

I love you Tony Horton, we shall meet again

I also had my first visit to San Francisco and all of its architectural glory
I got to see this beauty in person (swoon)

and one cannot consider one's life to be complete until you have seen the honest-to-goodness-real-life Full House house

and although 2010 was Josh's big year as far as birthdays go, his 30th did present the opportunity to fulfill a life long dream of mine

So, here's looking at you 2010. This next year has some big shoes to fill and personally, I can't wait to see what's in store


  1. Adorable from top to bottom. Also, I love what you've done with the house. Looks better without the snow.


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