The last few days were pretty low key around these parts since it's still cold and snowy outside, but we did our best to fight the stir-craziness taking over our house and this weekend didn't turn out half-bad, if I do say so myself!
We took the lovely Jean-Marie out for a belated birthday sundae - because who needs cake when you can have Mary Coyle, seriously?
(I wonder how many posts I can mention and/or link to Mary Coyle before I have to admit I may have a problem?)
Why we only got a picture of Wes with said sundae and not JM? I have no idea...But here you go, a photo freshly poached from the face books
(See, lovely no?)
and bonus points to us for knocking off a few things from the Baby-To-Do list this weekend ---
scratch off shopping for supplies, add on re-finishing the baby's bedroom floor
(sorry Josh! I'm not trying to make you crazy, I swear!)
And in big toddler news, we got Wes a booster seat for the Dining Room table and he hasn't looked back since - see ya highchair!
We also had dinner at my mom and step-dad's, visited Josh's mom and step-dad and survived a minor emotional breakdown in the aisles of Lowes while shopping for closet shelves
(Don't ask, I'm hormonal)
BUT stay tuned because we have lots more exciting things coming up that I shall describe to you in painful detail, starting this weekend including (but not limited to)...
a stay at Great Wolf Lodge
a maternity photo shoot with another one of our lovely lady friends, the talented Katie Ardner
(ok, so I'm actually terrified of this, but shhhhhhh don't tell Katie)
aaaaaaaand in a few days we start our HypnoBirthing classes
(and I'm afraid of the photo shoot?! Ha!)
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