(a brief moment of peace) |
You know how when you're pregnant and everyone gives you all these pointless warnings... "Oh, you'll never sleep again. You'll never have any time for yourself now. Forget what you want to do, your schedule is their schedule from here on out"... and so on and so forth. All the standard warnings people mindlessly dole out that are meant to...I dunno, scare the crap out of you (?) that do you absolutely no good since it's obviously too late to change your mind and the baby is already on it's way, like it or not.
Yeah, those warnings.
Well, you know what no one ever mentions? You know what no one
ever talks about? How sick the little devils get. No one ever said ONE word about this. Sick, like for real, sick. Sick all day - every day. Morning, noon and night. Ooh, ooh and they get you sick too! That's the best part! S-I-C-K.
Not just the sniffles and a little diaper rash. Sick like, pull over the car, the baby has vomited all over himself, the carseat, the
car seat, and the car door. Sick, like stripping his clothes off in a patch of grass in a random church parking lot and the car still smells like vomit three days later, sick. That happened twice this weekend.
Sick, like a trip to urgent care because your normal doctor can't fit him in for four more days and a massive diaper blowout in the waiting room. A blowout I have to change on the restroom floor because they don't have a changing station - while the baby tries to squirm off of the paper towel "blanket" I've haphazardly lain down in a vain attempt to protect him from contracting any further diseases. Poo everywhere. Just. Everywhere.
Sick, like a double ear infection, bacterial eye infection and gastroenteritis! Sick, like $70 worth of prescriptions, baby advil and pedialyte later. And I'm not even going to talk about the co-pays. And this is after seeing the doctor for this exact same thing one round of antibiotics and 2 weeks earlier.
Did I mention the older one's been puking off and on all weekend too? Oh yeah, that's just what they do now.
It's just a constant state of unrest, crying, clinging, and never ending comfort nursing (seriouslythey'reabouttofalloffandIwishIwasjoking) set to the soundtrack of "mamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamama" spoken in the whiniest voice possible, on repeat, at our house.
Wanna come over?
Is it just my kids? Does this happen with everyone? Because it feels like just me. Tell me this is normal! More importantly, tell me this will not last forever.