Roses, no wait, Roseola for Valentine's Day

posted on: Monday, February 14, 2011

February - it has not been a friend to the Booths.

Wes has had the flu, then a cold, then I had a coldslashsomethingrequiringantibiotics, now the poor little guy has roseola and we all got to take our first family trip to the ER this weekend.
We didn't know it was roseola then, all we knew was after having a temperature bouncing around between 100-102 Thursday and Friday it finally peaked Saturday night at 104.8

Scary stuff.

At least it was for us parents involved. I'm pretty sure Wes actually enjoyed his time at the ER though, after they gave him a popsicle and a baggie full of Valentine's Day stuff he was totally sold on the experience. I mean the bag did have slap bracelets inside --- how could he resist?
For Josh and I though, this has been one of those weekends you know going into being a parent is bound to happen at some point but you really try not to think about it or it might just keep you from reproducing.  Fever, rash, little to no sleep and crabby attitudes for all! Who wouldn't sign up for that?

Of course, we Booths are resilient and we tried to make the most of the situation, like we do. And since we were stuck in the house all weekend, Josh got down to business and changed out the two light fixtures in the baby's room!

Can you even get over that? Josh somehow knows how to do electrical work now. He's so manly and husbandly these days!

And you know what else? The Best Sister in The Entire World came over and touched up all the trim upstairs in the bedrooms and hallway, while Pregnant Lady and Perpetually Sick Kid hid from the fumes downstairs and cuddled on the couch.

Take that - List of Crap to do Before Baby Comes! 

And we had to celebrate Valentine's day after all - We had a candlelit dinner at home (just the three of us - oh so romantic!) with peanut butter sundaes for dessert. And we surprised Wes with a basket of goodies which cheered him up for approximately 10 minutes - totally worth the fifty bucks we spent

Maeby thought the HEXBUG was for her

Also, did I mention Josh got me a bouquet of my favorite flowers?

I'm a very lucky girl after all


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