Columbus for a Day

posted on: Monday, October 7, 2013

On Saturday after Wes's soccer practice my dad and Patty picked the boys up and took them on a trip up to the cleveland natural history museum and then back to their house for a sleepover. This was the first time both boys have gone for an overnight together and we really wanted to take advantage of that day to ourselves and do something a little special. So we drove down to Columbus and had lunch at Lindey's (oh, that lobster bisque. I get googly eyes just thinking about it.) and then spent the rest of the day walking around german village and the short north. We got ice cream cones at Jeni's (sweet corn and black raspberry is back in season!) and did some window shopping and thrifting. It was so nice to eat lunch with both hands and no booster seats. We got to take our time and pop in and out of shops with out worrying about anyone breaking anything or needing a diaper change. And we even slept in the next morning until after 9am! It was a really nice break, but also a little weird having such a quiet house.  To be honest I was so ready to get the boys back the next day. I missed them!


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