Wes Turns...Two!

posted on: Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I've been getting busy planning Oren's third birthday party (he's THREE next month) and it dawned on me that I started this blog right after Weston turned two. Which means, I don't have any posts dedicated to his first or second birthdays...yet. It's high time I righted that situation, and you all know how much I love an old throw back post. So Wes, this one's for you buddy!

Back in August 2010 my little Weston Silas turned two years old. We had his two year old photo shoot (which was one of my favorites ever thanks to Katie, of course) and a dino themed birthday party since he was majorly into dinosaurs at the time. Here are the photos I'd like to share if you'd care to take a peek.

On his true birthday we let him open gifts at home and then later that night we went to my mom's for dinner and birthday pie. This was only the second year ever Abby made him his own little personal pie. A now longstanding tradition for our little Booth boys.

^^^He was so sute I  could just eat him up!^^^
And then a couple days later...party time!

simultaneously wearing/using as many of his presents as he possibly could...

And that was it! Weston aged two. Hard to believe that was nearly four years ago. And thanks for indulging me in yet another photo heavy throw back post. Now I just have to round up the photos from his first birthday and we'll be all set! ;)


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