Oren's Birthday!

posted on: Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Below are some photos from Oren's third birthday on Saturday if you'd care to take a peek. When I asked him what kind of party he wanted he told me a red party! Red being his favorite color, of course. So red it was. (Which is way better than a red wedding, I think we can all agree*).

Abby made him his own little birthday pie that morning as she does every year. Raspberry in keeping with the red theme.

Marisa actually designed these adorable invitations for me. Isn't the little cartoon Oren just perfect? I loved them! And we of course asked that everyone wear red, because, well, red party!

We had lots of red treats and food too. Abby made strawberry and cherry pies and these delicious little raspberry cheesecake bars. I ordered the cake from a bakery and the bottom tier was red velvet and the top was white with raspberry filling. Red, red and more red! I made baked rigatoni in red sauce and an all red fruit salad, but my favorite was probably the big punch bowl mix of shirley temples with maraschino cherries on the side to top them off. Red foods are delicious, guys.

About three minutes into the present opening Oren received a batman utility belt and a handmade batman cape and mask. It was pretty much all over after that. The cape, belt and mask would stay on the remainder of the evening and well into the night.

He was one happy boy.

*that was a GOT joke in case you're not up to speed. No offense to those who had red as a wedding color, it has nothing to do with that ;)


  1. We were sad to miss it! The invitation is still hanging on our fridge. Super cute!


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