Bits and Pieces From Our Christmas

posted on: Saturday, December 27, 2014

Anyone who really knows me, or probably even vaguely knows me, knows how much I love christmas. It's kind of my favorite thing. But this year with the new baby coming in November, fitting in all our usual traditions and holiday activities, (let alone remembering to photograph them) proved to be a little more difficult than years past. So, we did what we could. Sure, I didn't have enough stockings to go around and I never found the time to replace the tree skirt Lincoln ruined last year, but we did manage to hang our handmade paper snowflakes (Wes was so into it this year) and we did remember to leave cookies out for santa even if we bought them from the store instead of baking them ourselves. 

Next year, we're going big. My house will be dripping with christmas lights to make up for lost time. Just you wait and see. But for now, here are a few of my favorite photos from the season. 

^^^ Lisa made Ever that adorable dress! ^^^
 ^^^ This was Ben's first time home since Ever's been born. They had a lot of catching up to do. ^^^
 ^^^ Those prosciutto and gruyere stuffed croissants though...^^^
 ^^^ Last minute notes to Santa ^^^
^^^ Reindeer dust (oats mixed with glitter!) to spread in the front yard...attracts reindeer from what I understand ;) ^^^
^^^ this picture. ^^^

 And one last shot at a photo of all three. We tried!

From our family to yours...

wishing you all happy holidays and a safe new year!


  1. So special. That outfit Lisa crocheted is absolutely precious! She's got mad skills! -♥- Rachel (For the Birds)

    1. She does! You should see the tiny turban she made her too!


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