Helllloooooo, March!

posted on: Tuesday, March 8, 2016

You guys! You guyyyyyssssss! We officially made it through the worst month of the year (I'm looking at you, February) and it was 70 degrees today, and the next ten days have nothing lower than 60 degrees in the forecast and I hereby declare winter officially OVER! We are moving on. It is March now and spring fever is here to stay. 

Ever knows.

(And listen here, Ohio. Do not make me eat my words in eleven days or I swear to god I will stop defending you to everyone who wants to move away. No. More. Snow.)

So, March! I'm calling this month baby month because I get to hang out with four fresh babies over the next few weeks. Two of which are still currently inutero and due any time now. There's not much that can top that excitement. Little Scout got the honors of kicking off baby month by coming to stay the weekend. She brought along her parents and her big sister too. We were all pretty thrilled.

We also got the honor of being able to attend a surprise 30th birthday party for everyone's favorite Aunt Nikki the same weekend. I'm telling you, March is good stuff.

How's your March been so far? 


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