Is Thing On?

posted on: Monday, April 10, 2017

I have been mostly absent from this blog since the beginning of the year. I didn't plan for it to happen, but life changes that way. Since the election and the subsequent installment of the new administration (and all that has come along with it), I have found it difficult to sit down and write about light hearted outings or wax poetic over another of my children's milestones.  It all just seems SO unimportant when there are babies being attacked with chemical weapons in Syria or a climate change denier is heading up the EPA. The truth is, I'm overwhelmed. On a macro and micro level, 2017 has been a real shit storm. Josh was laid off from his job a few weeks back, and although we are doing fine and new job opportunities are on the horizon, the uncertainty and sad feelings surrounding the situation are another hurdle to face every day. It's exhausting to keep up with the day to day routines of life when the world seems to be falling apart around you. And it's especially hard to justify sitting down to write a blog post when my anxiety about the world is telling me that there are a million other things that would be a better use of my time and energy. That said, I do miss having a keeping place for the good memories and little things I don't want to forget.  I don't want to look back on this time in my life and see that I let the bad parts completely eclipse the everyday beautiful moments that ARE here. So I will try to get back to this place a little more often, I know down the road I will be glad I did.

In the mean time, here are a few life updates to catch everyone up:

Oren turns SIX in a couple weeks. That is crazy to me. That kid should be no older than two and I have no idea how we've gotten to six already.

Ever is completely weaned. Josh had a vasectomy. So, no more babies in our house ever again. 

I have been reading so many books on race in America. There is so much information out there and so much to learn that I feel infinitely behind. I'm hosting a discussion group at my house Friday, May 12th at 7pm to review two of these books. I'd love if you could join us. We're reading The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander and Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance. If you live too far away to join us or book discussion groups just aren't your thing (but staying woke is) I'd still love if you'd give these a read and let me know what you think.

Josh is the new chairman of the Wadsworth Democrats. I'm really proud of him. Change starts at the grassroots level and he is already doing great things.

My mom and I launched a new website for our bow/headband company. (So long Etsy!) Yes, this is a shameless plug. Go check it out, maybe tell a friend? #ad

Also, Easter is this weekend? I really and sincerely hope to be back here with cute egg hunt pictures soon. In the mean time, it feels good to be writing a bit again. Depression is real y'all, and so is self care. I just wanted to throw that out there in case anyone needed to hear that today, Do what you have to do to take care of yourself and don't ever be ashamed of it. 



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