30 (a few days early)

posted on: Monday, August 5, 2013

Maybe I should be stressed out that I'll be turning thirty in just a few days, but I've been having so much fun celebrating it instead I kinda just wish I could turn thirty every year. Josh and I will be out of town over my actual birthday so this past weekend was designated birthday weekend with the family. My mom and stepdad had us over Friday night for a delicious dinner of smoked ribs and homemade mac n cheese, coleslaw, freshly picked green beans and Abby made a free-form peach tart. My momma also surprised me with thirty little packages of thirty things; thirty of my favorite flavored jelly beans, thirty stamps, a thirty dollar gift certificate for the cheescake factory...you get the idea. She's the cutest and the best, and I'm the luckiest to have such a sweet and thoughtful lady I get to call my mom ;) 

(Jay wins for best card/gift though)

Saturday I painted my living room and scrubbed floors and dusted blinds so we won't talk about how much fun that day was, but Sunday!... Sunday was the best! One of my favorite people in the whole wide world came for a visit. Adam and his sweet and silly step daughter Jordyn spent the day hanging with us, eating mexican and way too many popsicles. Pretty much exactly how every summer day should go in my opinion.

(not accessorized, no art or new light fixture up yet,  Oh, and photo taken with my iphone so don't judge me too hard, but still leagues ahead of the mustard yellow walls we had been living with. Baby steps, Emily, baby steps...)

Sunday evening it was my dad and step mom's turn to serve up yet another delicious dinner. Even though my dad wasn't feeling well he still pulled off the shrimp and roasted red pepper risotto dish from this cookbook. So, so good. And because Abby likes to spoil me she made me a raspberry/peach crisp. Light on the crisp, heavy on the gooey, just like I like it. 

Like I said, I'm the luckiest.


  1. Awwwwww! Happy 30th Birthday (almost) my little girl! I love you soooooo much! Momma

  2. Happy belated birthday!! I hit 30 last year, and well, it wasn't so bad ;)



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