A Little Birthday Pie

posted on: Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It's tradition around here that Abby makes the boys each their own little pie every year on their actual birthday so they have candles to blow out and a special treat to enjoy even if it does happen to be a Tuesday. We even got Ben to join us on facetime to help us sing the Happy Birthdays.
oh, and sometimes you just wanna blow out candles twice ;)

Thanks, Ab!
and just for good measure, pies past...
(two and one exist as well, but there was no blog then. So please allow me to supplement)



  1. Abby is the most awesome pie baking aunt ever! Looks delicious! These are great pictures (as usual!).

    1. I said when I was downloading these that I saw some future Karla's fridge pics in the future... haha

  2. Baby Wes will forever melt my heart.


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