A (Sort-of) Surprise Birthday Party

posted on: Saturday, August 17, 2013

Josh threw me a birthday party! We got home from Iceland on Thursday night and he let me know just as we finished dragging in all the luggage and dirty laundry that there would be a party happening in our house in less than 24 hours. Whoa. 
(please ignore this light fixture, it's replacement is just waiting to be installed ;)

It was soooo nice! Abby decorated the house with streamers and balloons and of course the obligatory Arrested Development banner. Josh's mom made so much good food, trays of homemade lasagna and bread and Abby made all my favorite treats, like ALL of them. Pumpkin pie, peach hand pies and lava cakes. (But there are no pictures of those because we ate them all too fast).

my mama made these cute cookies :)

And I have the sweetest friends who drove very far distances to attend this little soiree and then had to work the next morning.

and this is a little series I like to call "Marisa and Emily as Josh tries to get the camera settings right"

got it.


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